Reduce Energy and Maintenance Costs, Improve Space Lighting, Reduce Daily Operating Activity, Automate Re-occuring Sequences, Add Convenience and Sophistication, Improve Safety and Security and Add Value to your business.
Every day lights need to be turned on and off and new energy codes will soon require dimming throughout the day and at nights. Occupancy management is coming to the office, work center, closet space, utility rooms, break rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, parking lots and it's a never ending process of on and off. And that includes all of your lights, electronic devices, computers, copiers, TVs, stereos, radios, lamps, coffee pots and on and on. Or should I say Ons and Offs. And it varies by the time of day and day of week as well.
You're a slave to your space. It takes you continous vigilance to manage all of those switches and devices and make sure they are all in their proper state. If you, or someone else in your facility, did not do their job all day every day then you are either invonvenienced, not as safe or secure or wasting money. And soon not in compliance with the building energy codes.
Regardless it could be a lot better, safer, more secure, more convenient and or simply an improvement. And that improvement can lead you and your associates to enjoy more time for more productive things that make you smile.
So consider reducing your costs and maintenance, improving your safety, security and space lighting and adding more smiles in your space.
Improve Safety, Security, Reduce Energy Costs, Improve your home and Life Style, Reduce your Daily Activity, Automate Re-occuring Sequences, Add Convenience, Sophistication and Value to your home.
Every day you turn lights on and off all throughout your home. Whether it is going into bathroom, closet, utility room, kitchen, bedroom, garage, living room, family room, dining room or den it's a never ending process of on and off. And that includes all of your lights, electronic devices, computers, copiers, TVs, stereos, radios, games, lamps, coffee pots and on and on. Or should I say Ons and Offs. And it varies by the time of day as well.
You're a slave to your home. It takes you continous vigilance to manage all of those switches and make sure they are all in their proper state. If you, or someone else in your home, did not do their job all day every day then you are either invonvenienced, not as safe or secure or wasting money.
Regardless it could be a lot better, safer, more secure, more convenient and or simply an improvement. And that improvement can lead you and your associates or family to enjoy more of your time for more productive things that make you smile.
So consider reducing your costs, improving your safety, security and life style and adding more smiles in your home.
Our controls can integrate all electronic devices, applicanes and items in your home into one simple to monitor and control system.
Know what is going on in your home and take control of all your home's lights, appliances and electrical devices.
Remotely monitor and manage your home today!